Most of the children with ASD also suffer from sensory processing disorder. As a parent, you may be wondering why your child is unable to tolerate even mild sounds and often closes his/her ears, this may be due to auditory hypersensitivity. Let’s see the common signs below.
Suggestions to help the kids:
- Make sure the room, where the child performs the activity, is noise-free.

- Inform the child before starting on any home appliances.
- Earplugs are provided to the child when he/she is taken to public places.
- Headphones or earplugs can also be used while the child is doing any activity.
- Frequently take the child to their favorite environment like play area or park, zoo, shopping mall, etc. this would help with systematic desensitization.

- Provide simple instructions or step by step instruction using low or soft tone.
- Visual cues can be provided more often instead of sudden communication with the child.
- Place carpets on the floor, to avoid unnecessary sounds (if any).
- Play calm instrumental music over headphones as this might help the child.
In contrast to hypersensitivity, some children are auditory hyposensitive, meaning, they seek for sounds/noises. These children have a high threshold for sound. Below are common signs for auditory hyposensitivity.
- To stimulate themselves, some children used to hum music, tap hands or make any kind of sounds/noises using an object.
- They prefer to enjoy places that are too crowded and noisy.
- It might be misinterpreted that the child is not responding to name call or simple instructions, but in truth, the tone is insufficient to create an auditory input for the child to process the information (i.e. store and retrieve) and respond.
Suggestions to help the kids:
- Play some music either via headphones or speaker during activity, so that they can well concentrate on the task.
- Include playing instruments as part of their schedule.
- Make sure the instructions are provided with a clear and strong tone.
Despite the above recommendations, it is preferred to consult an Occupational Therapist. Because children with auditory processing disorder must be carefully assessed so that an individualized sensory diet can be created for the child. This would in turn helps to desensitize the system for the betterment of the child.
As you are qualified from U.K., I want to here your views regarding sensory processing disorder in autism. We are having big issues with NHS OT services who are failing to manage his sensory issues. My son is 5 and gets very hyperactive with demand put in and that is impacting his learning.
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